What is an UV Cleaner?
Ultraviolet (UV) pool and hot tub cleaners or sanitizers as they are sometimes referred to, utilize a non-chemical process that uses UV light rays to clean and sanitize the water. A UV system uses a high intensity light ray that attacks micro-organisms such as algae, bacteria, and viruses.
The advantages are fairly easy:
a) Chemical use is lowered
b) The money you spend on bulbs when compared to chemical purchases is much lower.
c) Extends life of pool equipment; due to less chemicals running through
d) Clear water
e) Skin irritations greatly reduced
f) Sterilization of water is improved
How does it work?
The UV system as expected requires the use of special bulbs. There are two types of bulbs, low or medium pressure. In most cases the low-pressure bulb is very suitable for a common size residential pool or hot tub. You can expect the bulb life to be about 2 years. This will vary depending on usage. The UV system is installed in the plumbing system just after your pool’s existing filter. As the water passes through it is exposed to light rays. The result is immediate and does not require the time chemicals do. For example, it can take up to 45 minutes for chlorine to eradicate giardia, 30-60 minutes to kill off the norovirus; and Crypto can hang around for up to 10 days. Keep in mind that this only works on water passing through it, if you have bad circulation areas or dead zones in your pool they would not be treated with the UV rays. For that reason small amounts of chlorine are still recommended. A UV system is very effective in hot tubs due to the mere fact that hotter water has a tendency to breed more pathogens.
Like the ozone system it is important that filters are kept clean. Cloudy water will inhibit the effectiveness of the UV rays. So proper filter maintenance is essential. Sometimes it is also necessary to clean the bulb surface.
Many Marin households are choosing UV Systems for all the reasons stated above. UV pool sanitation is quickly becoming a symbol of social responsibility. Better for the environment, better for all.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss please give us a call.
Marin Pool Service 415/892-4000